👂Listeners Open to AI in Audio, But Transparency Key, Says Futuri Study

GANDHINAGAR: Futuri CEO Daniel Anstandig unveiled🥂 a study on audience acceptance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in media at the NAB Show, with the help of Ameca, a witty AI-powered humanoid robot.

The👉 research reveals a surprising comfort level with AI voices, particularly in audio formats like podcasts and radio.  A significant portion of listeners – nearly half (45%) – expressed interest in personalizing the experience by tweaking the AI host’s personality, content focus, and even voice characteristics.

This desire for customization underscores a growing trend towards personalized listening experiences.  The study, conducted in partnership with CMG Custom Research and surveying over 5,200 Americans, found that a whopping 60% of the time, participants couldn’t tell the difference between human and AI voices.

AI generated content

Transparency is Paramount

Anstandig emphasizes the importance of transparency: “Listeners are happy to interact with AI, but they want to know it’s being used.  Done creatively, disclosure builds trust.”  This echoes the study’s finding that 90% of respondents consider transparency crucial when it comes to AI-generated content.

“Audiences accept clearly labelled AI, but dishonesty breeds mistrust,” Anstandig warns in the article that appeared in podcastnewsdaily.com.  “Openness is vital, especially with concerns about authenticity and misinformation.”

AI Awareness on the Rise

The survey highlights AI’s growing presence, with nearly all respondents (94%) having heard of the technology.  Over half (56%) have even used it directly.  Interestingly, users hold positive views of AI, seeing it as innovative and efficient.  However, non-users harbour anxieties about job displacement and unsettling “uncanny valley” effects.


AI Can Enhance News Reporting

While some skepticism exists regarding AI’s role in news selection (30% believe it won’t improve story choices), a majority (42%) believe AI can bolster news quality overall.  This optimism extends to weather forecasting, with more than half of TV news viewers anticipating AI-driven improvements.  Entertainment, tech, sports, and local news were identified as topics best suited for AI “reporting.”

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The Podcast Boom Continues

The study underscores the podcasting revolution, with nearly two-thirds (63%) of respondents relying on podcasts and on-demand audio for news and information.  Podcast listening is a weekly habit for 90% of those surveyed, with a third indulging daily.  Comedy and news/information topped the list of preferred genres, with a remarkable 89% listening to both.

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