Zerodha’s Kamath Rejects Traditional Legacy, Opts Out of Parenthood

GANDHINAGAR: Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath gave his personal views on “parenthood” and “legacy” during a recent episode of his podcast, “WTF.” In a candid conversation, Kamath revealed his past consideration of adoption, his reasons for ultimately opting out of fatherhood, and his thoughts on the concept of legacy itself.

Adoption Explored:

Kamath surprised listeners by disclosing a past phase where he seriously contemplated adopting a child.  He even went so far as to research the process thoroughly.  However, his research revealed a stark reality – current adoption regulations in India make it extremely challenging, if not impossible, for single men to adopt.

Motivation Reexamined: 

Reflecting on his initial interest in adoption, Kamath admitted it stemmed, to some degree, from a youthful perception of it being “cool.”  He elaborated with a touch of humor, suggesting that many of our life choices are driven by such trends.

Focus on the Present: 

Now 37, Kamath explained his decision against having biological children.  He expressed a pragmatic outlook on life and relationships, highlighting his unwillingness to dedicate a significant portion of his life solely to child-rearing.  He candidly discussed his reservations about spending his prime years “babysitting” with the uncertain hope of future support from his children.  “What if, after all that effort, they just leave anyway?” he questioned.

Legacy Deconstructed: 

Kamath further challenged the traditional notion of legacy through parenthood.  He asserted that the human tendency to view ourselves as overly important often fuels the desire to leave a lasting mark.  He likened human existence to that of any other living creature – born, we live, and then we are gone, with memories fading over time.

Living a Meaningful Life: 

Kamath emphasized the importance of living a fulfilling life, treating others with kindness, and making a positive impact during our time here.

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