Podcast listening surges globally: 35% tune in monthly

GANDHINAGAR: A recent report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism sheds light on the promising future of podcasts. According to the Digital News Report 2024, there’s a growing global appetite for podcasts, with 35% of respondents across 20 countries reporting monthly listenership – up from 34% in 2023.

Despite being a “minority activity overall,” publishers are increasingly turning to podcasts as a strategic move. These audio shows help them bypass challenges posed by platform algorithms and foster deeper audience engagement.

Key Findings:

1. Global Podcast Landscape:

👉 Nearly half of American and Spanish respondents (both 44%) listened to a podcast in the previous month, making these countries top performers.

👉 Ireland and Sweden closely followed with 43% listenership, while Norway and Portugal stood at 42%.

👉 Japan had the lowest reach, with just over a quarter of respondents tuning in monthly.

Percentage of respondents who listened to a podcast in the last month, by country

Country%age listernership
United states44%
*Multilingual countries: In Canada listenrship was 44% among English speakers and 29% among French speakers. In Switzerland there was 34% listenership among French speakers and 36% among German speakers. In Belgium the listnership figure was 28% among French speakers and 26% among Flemish speakers.
Chart: Press GazetteSource: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Digital News Report 2024

2. News Podcasts and Market Share

👉News and current affairs podcasts are a “bright spot for publishers.” Specifically, 13% of respondents worldwide accessed them each month, up from 12% last year.

👉Overall, 35% of people across all countries accessed some form of podcast monthly, compared to 34% in 2023.

👉Interestingly, the share of podcast listening for news shows has remained consistent over the past seven years.

3. Gender Disparities

News and politics podcasts skew toward male listeners, partly due to the dominance of male hosts.

While 32% of women listen monthly, the figure rises to 39% among men.

In summary, podcasts are thriving, especially among specific demographics. Publishers recognize their potential as an engaging format, even as they navigate the evolving media landscape

Overall listenership

Gender%age of listenership
Base: Those who listened to any podcast in the last month in 19 selected countries. Male = 18,775, Female = 19,637 .Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Digital News Report 2024

4. Demographics and Podcast Consumption

Younger audiences are driving podcast growth.

👉Respondents aged 18 to 24 and 25 to 34 have the highest monthly podcast consumption (44%).

👉Education plays a role: 47% of degree holders listen to podcasts, compared to 35% of those with lower education levels.

👉Income correlates strongly with listenership: 44% of high-income respondents listen monthly, while it’s 29% among low earners.

Percentage of respondents who listen to podcasts, by age

Age-group%age of survey respondents
Base: Those who listened to any podcast in the last month in 19 selected countries. 18-24 = 3695, 25-34 = 6235, 35-44 = 6241, 45-54 = 6413, 55+ = 15,827
Chart: Press GazetteSource: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Digital News Report 2024

Percentage of respondents who listen to podcasts, by level of education

Education level%age of survey respondents
Low education35%
Medium education35%
High education43%
Degree holders47%
Base: Those who listened to any podcast in the last month in 19 selected countries. Low education = 8363, Medium education = 16,287, High education = 13,762, Degree = 10, 396.
Chart: Press GazetteSource: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Digital News Report 2024
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