HOW TO PODCAST:   Choosing a Podcast Format 


18 March 2021

The podcast format you choose is really personal, and depends on who’s involved!  So what are the common types of podcast show formats?  Read on...

Step 5

The Solo Show 

You don't rely on anybody to record your episodes, while you're establishing yourself as an authority on your topic. You make decisions about sponsorship and monetization. Challenge of solo podcast is getting over the feeling that you’re ‘talking to yourself, but hey, there are listeners

The Co-Hosted Show 

Recording a podcast with someone is a terrific way to get over the'mic fright' . If you find the proper co-host, you'll have someone to bounce ideas off or, argue with. Challenge : Decide podcast ownership right in the begining in case of a split or co-host lose losing interest

The Interview Show 

Doing an interview show gives you the opportunity to have a chat with someone you’ve always looked up to. Challenge: Yo'll need to find and approach potential guests, schedule interviews, and rely on others to show up (in person or digitally)


One regular host and a number of guests, talking through one specific topic (eg. The Game Design Roundtable).


A narrator walks you through a range of interviews, conversations and on-location clips to paint a picture (eg. Startup)


A mix between drama and documentary. Offering learning and info, but in an entertaining way (eg. Hostile Worlds).

Planning Your Episodes 

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