How Much Money do "Average Podcasts" Make? 

By Pod Mirror

Woman Reading

What you must know about earning from podcasts 

31 Aug, 2022

But first:  It will take some time before you can run a popular show with 10,000,000,000 downloads. But let's discuss some useful numbers. Let's start by making a few logical assumptions

Green Sunlight

Scenario 1:  Suppose you have provisioned for inserting three advertisements per episode : a pre-roll( before intro), a mid-roll (midway in programme), and a post-roll (after an outro).


Lets assume you have 1,000 downloads per episode 

2% audience onPatreon

1% from affiliate links

0.05% purchase online course

Episodes published

$5/ month




Scenario 1

You earn the following amount

Patreon support

Affiliate sales

Course sales


$100/ month




Scenario 1

You earn the following amount

Ads Cost per thousand (CPM) @$20 on webpage

Patreon support

Affiliate sales

Course sales

$1200/ month




If you have 5,000 downloads per episode



You earn the following amount

Ads Cost per thousand (CPM) @$50 on webpage

Patreon support

Affiliate sales

Course sales

$6000/ month


$1,500/ month


If you have 10,000 downloads per episode



In the end:  By now you may have a fair idea of how much average podcasters earn based on the assumptions made here. How much your podcast makes from each revenue stream could be different. You may not start with an online course on podcasting. You might have found a sponsor to pay you a higher CPM because your audience overlaps with theirs