University of Kansas Professors Offer Open Access Podcast Course

GANDHINAGAR: In a unique collaboration demonstrating effective teaching👩‍🏫 practices (Criterion 3), a University of Kansas (KU) professor and librarian have joined forces to develop a course that equips students with valuable research, communication, and critical thinking skills 💭.

Environmental Geopolitics course, led by Professor Shannon O’Lear (Geography & Atmospheric Science) and Associate Librarian Tami Albin, challenges students to delve into environmental issues through the lens of geopolitics.

Professor O’Lear had developed a course based on her book “Environmental Geopolitics” . However, a grant from the Center for Undergraduate Research spurred her to revamp the research project. Seeking inspiration, she turned to KU Libraries. There, the Makerspace, brimming with tools for 3D printing, audio/video editing, podcasting, and fostering creativity, sparked an idea: a podcast project. O’Lear then connected with Albin, who heads the Makerspace. Instead of simply having Albin provide technical support, they both envisioned a more enriching experience for the students – a co-taught class leveraging their combined expertise. As part of the class, students learned to communicate their research through podcasting and publishing their work as a collection in Pressbooks, an online publishing platform. 

Launched in fall 2022, the Pressbook, “Podcast Perspectives of Environmental Geopolitics,” has garnered over 19,500 views globally. Students critically analyze a wide range of topics through O’Lear’s environmental geopolitics framework, from analyzing the impact of fast-fashion giant Shein to looking deeper into U.S. fire suppression practices.

Key Elements:

📌Open Access Podcasting: Students produce podcasts on their research, making their findings freely available to a global audience (Criterion 3.B).

📌Co-teaching Model: O’Lear brings expertise in environmental geopolitics, while Albin guides students on podcast creation using KU Libraries’ Makerspace resources (Criterion 3.C & D).

📌Open Educational Resources (OER): The course utilizes Pressbooks, an online platform, to showcase student podcasts, fostering public access to learning (Criterion 3.D).

📌Critical Thinking & Communication: Students analyze information, develop creative projects, and hone communication skills for diverse audiences (Criterion 3.B).

Student impact

👉The course emphasizes student growth and empowers them to:

📌Develop confidence: Students gain self-assurance in their abilities through project creation and feedback (quote by Albin).

📌Refine research skills: Students learn to critically analyze information and present findings effectively (quote by Faddis).

📌Showcase work for future opportunities: Podcasts serve as portfolio pieces for graduate school applications (quote by O’Lear).

Benefits beyond classroom

📌Faculty Collaboration: The co-teaching model exemplifies how faculty can combine strengths to enhance student learning (quote by O’Lear & Albin).

📌Open Access Knowledge Sharing: The course promotes the dissemination of student research for global impact (quote by O’Lear).

📌Adaptability & Lifelong Learning: Students acquire skills valuable in a dynamic job market (quote by Albin).

This innovative course by Professor O’Lear and Librarian Albin exemplifies the University of Kansas’ commitment to providing high-quality educational experiences that prepare students for success (Criterion 3).

Read press release
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