Queen Camilla’s Passion for Books Takes Flight with New Podcast

Queen Camilla will soon be sharing her love of literature beyond the pages with the launch of a brand-new podcast, "The Queen's Reading Room
Queen Camilla

Queen Camilla will soon be sharing her love of literature beyond the pages with the launch of a brand-new podcast, “The Queen’s Reading Room.”  Slated to debut on January 8, 2024, the podcast promises a delightful journey into the world of books, authors, and their captivating stories.

“The Queen’s Reading Room” aims to be a haven for bookworms and bibliophile hopefuls alike, offering intimate glimpses into the literary lives of celebrated authors from around the globe. Each episode will invite a guest author to share their personal connections to books, delve into their favorite reads, and explore the impact literature has had on their lives.

Visit her website https://thequeensreadingroom.co.uk/about/

A teaser released on Instagram offers a tantalizing glimpse at the diverse roster of guests lined up, prompting listeners to ponder: “Who does Sir Ian Rankin turn to for solace in a literary slump? Where does David Baddiel hoard his beloved fiction? And which masterpiece has Ann Patchett revisited time and again?”

Photo of Queen Camilla recording the "The Queen's Reading Room" podcast

This exciting venture isn’t just a passion project for Queen Camilla; it’s an extension of her longstanding dedication to promoting literacy and inspiring a love of books worldwide. In 2021, she launched The Queen’s Reading Room as an online initiative, which grew into a vibrant book club during the pandemic. Now, in February 2023, it evolved into a full-fledged charity, connecting book lovers across borders.

Queen Camilla on her upcoming podcast

“To me reading is a great adventure,” Queen Camilla has expressed. “I have loved it since I was very small and I would love everybody else to enjoy it as much as I do. You can escape, and you can travel, and you can laugh and you can cry. Every type of emotion which humans experience is in a book.”

With the launch of “The Queen’s Reading Room” podcast, this passionate advocate for the written word aims to open doors to literary realms, encouraging listeners to step into the magical world of books and discover the joys and adventures that await within their pages.

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